ALL APPLICANTS - Please read the following and address any questions to a Human Resources Representative before signing period.
I affirm that the information provided on this application or in connection with the processing of this application (and any resume or any other accompying documents) is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if employed, false statements, significant ommisions, or misleading information, regardless of when discovered, made on or in connection with my application and accompanying documents may result in dismissal.
I authorize investigation of all statement contained in this application (and any resume or any other accompanying documents) as may be necessary in arriving of an employment decision.
I understand that the applicants prior employers may be contacted for the purpose of investigating the applicants background as required by -49CFR 391.23.
I authorize all personel, schools, companies, corporations, credit bureaus, and law enforcement agencies to supply any and all pertinent information and release the same from any liability resulting from providing such information.
I understand that from time to time the company may be asked to submit/release certain information, including but not limited to, my employment or application for employment. I release the company and its agents, from any liability resulting from submitting/releasing such information.
I acknowledge that the company may request, as a condition of any offer of employment that is made or for continued employment, that I undergo a medical exam or drug testing, and I consent and agree to any such exam, if required now or in the future. I understand that when drug tsting is required, a satisfactory result may be a condition of employement.
I understand that federal law prohibits the employment of unautorized aliens and require satisfactory proof of employment authorization and identity. All persons hired must submit satisfactory proof of employment authorization and identity.
Please have necessary documents promptly available for inspection as required by law.
If employed I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the company.
I understand that if I am employed, my employment is for no fixed period and is at will. I understand that I can be terminated at any time for any or no reason and I understand that I may quit at any time for any or no reason. This understanding cannot be altered by anyone unless it is in writing and is signed by the President of the company.
I understand that this application does not create any offer of employment.
I understand that this company is an equal opportunity employer.
This certifies that this application was completed by me, and that all entries and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.